who we are
News media emerged in conjunction with the advertising and subscription revenue models in the 1600s. The citizen experience of news and the ad and subscription models’ influence on news integrity have changed little in over 400 years.
The emergence of personalized and targeted digital media in the 20th century exposed critical flaws in this model:
- News coverage cannot be funded by the vested interests which it covers
- Access to quality news cannot be limited by a citizen’s wealth or income
- News must be easily distinguishable from entertainment and other forms of content.
ReNews.us proposes to create a completely new citizen experience of the news, supported by a disruptive and sustainable business model.
ReNews Context Services is incubating this new experience by applying analytics, human-centered design, and machine learning to explore a portfolio of disruptive hypotheses for how the news can better support American democracy. These hypotheses challenge long-held conventions including:
- The news cycle
- The advertising revenue model
- Subscriptions
- The role of news in support of local communities and merchants
- The lifespan of news content
- Access to news by underserved and unserved communities
- The role of citizens in news gathering
- The definition of journalism
- The role of data in news coverage
- Bias in news gathering and publishing
- The definition of a news organization
Our Executive Board
Our Editorial Board
Our Team
ReNews Context Services
ReNews Context Services
ReNews Context Services
Our Advisors
He is co-founder of StoryCraft, an interactive agency to help startups and early-stage companies figure out their digital footprint.
Phat’s journalism career includes roles as Deputy Editor at Yahoo! News, CityGuide editor at AOL, and Reporter at Tribune Media.
Our Partners
ReNews.us 'under construction' Privacy Policy
- There is a huge opportunity for businesses to create a new generation of anonymized data services for the Citizen’s benefit.
- Personal data can be divided into two types and their related purposes:
- Personalized Targeting Data which ReNews will never store, and which ReNews believes Citizens only need to share with:
- friends and family,
- government agencies, or
- financial and delivery services.
- Anonymized Contextual Data which Citizens should be able to control and share only with sites you trust to provide valuable contextual services based on specific transparent uses of your profile data, and
- who have no right to share or sell your anonymized data,
- whose access to your data ends when you choose to end their services.
- Personalized Targeting Data which ReNews will never store, and which ReNews believes Citizens only need to share with:
- The two types of data never need to be mixed, unnecessarily putting your full identity at risk.
- Every US Citizen may have a single ReNews Anonymized Private Profile which is used to personalize their news and civic engagement feeds across their devices.
- You own all of your personal data.
- Your personal information is sacred and valuable.
- ReNews Context Services (ReNews) and our Reconstitution partners will never store any personally identifiable information about Citizen-members on any company systems.
- Reconstitution manages Anonymous Intimacy Services used by ReNews and other Reconstitution affiliates.
- Visitors to Reconstitution.com for the purpose of accessing Anonymous Intimacy Services are completely segregated from the database of visitors to Reconstituion.com.
- Users of Anonymous Intimacy Services briefly enter personal information in a form on Reconstitution.com which passes a random unique identifier from ReNews to third party data providers, along with personal information entered on the Reconstitution.com form by ReNews users wishing to download their profile information from public data sources.
- Reconstitution immediately deletes all user information from Reconstitution’s systems upon transmitting the form to our third party data provider partner.
- Reconstitution has no database within which to store any personally-identifiable information shared as part of our affiliates’ Anonymous Intimacy Services.
- The third party data providers, including Explorium, Inc., use the information Citizens share to create a profile of the Citizen’s publicly available information and send the information back to ReNews:
- with the random identifier, and
- with zero information which can personally identify the user.
- Our third party data provider partners then immediately delete the user’s record and the random unique identifier from their systems.
- The overall Anonymous Intimacy system makes it impossible for ReNews, Reconstitution.com, or our third party data provider partners to connect personally-identifiable information with a ReNews Citizen-member’s Anonymous Intimacy profile.
- ReNews will conduct analytics on the full Private and Public Profile databases and report on those results.
- ReNews may also offer Citizen-members to participate in surveys and statistical experiments related to policies and patterns of influence.
- These surveys, analytics, and experiments will in no way expose any Citizen’s identity, as no personally identifiable information will ever exist on ReNews servers.
- You control who has access to which portions of your data and for what purposes.
- You determine how economic value can be derived from your data, and who receives payment for services provided using your Anonymous Intimacy Profile.
- You decide which services are valuable and the amount of that value.
- You decide when and where your data can be used to present you with offers, and from whom.
- ReNews will not display ads or offers adjacent to any information or entertainment content, news or otherwise.
- Citizens who opt-in will receive offers for products and services in a separate anonymized commerce experience, completely separate from your news and content experiences.
- ReNews and its Reconstitution partners will require Citizen-members to opt-in to any services we or our third party partners offer.
- Due to our anonymized privacy-protection services, ReNews and its Reconstitution partners can only communicate with Citizen-members through our apps and websites, which must be opened to allow communication.
- All services provided by Reconstitution partners will require third parties to pay ReNews Citizen-members for access to the Citizen’s Anonymous Intimacy Profile information.
- ReNews reserves the right to publish Public Profiles of any individual, company, industry, government agency, party, cause, donor, or politician whose identity appears in news media, public government databases, or other sources of public information.
- The existence of a Public Newsmaker Profile reporting on their identity does not prevent a Citizen from also creating a Private Anonymous Intimacy Profile
ReNews’ Editorial Independence Policy
We subscribe to standards of editorial independence adopted by the Institute for Nonprofit News:
Our organization retains full authority over editorial content to protect the best journalistic and business interests of our organization. We maintain a firewall between news coverage decisions and sources of all revenue. Acceptance of financial support does not constitute implied or actual endorsement of donors or their products, services or opinions.
We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals and organizations for the general support of our activities, but our news judgments are made independently and not on the basis of donor support.
Our organization may consider donations to support the coverage of particular topics, but our organization maintains editorial control of the coverage. We will cede no right of review or influence of editorial content, nor of unauthorized distribution of editorial content.
Our organization will make public all donors who give a total of $5,000 or more per year. We will accept anonymous donations for general support only if it is clear that sufficient safeguards have been put into place that the expenditure of that donation is made independently by our organization and in compliance with INN’s Membership Standards.
Donate to Support ReNews Context Journalism
How Nonprofit Donating Works
ReNews Context Services was approved for non-profit status by the IRS on January 18, 2024 with an effective date of July 12, 2022. The ReNews Context Services FEIN is 88-3438853.
We are currently setting up systems to accept direct donations. Until that time the IRS allows Citizens to donate to us through our sponsor 501C3 charity, Community Ventures, and receive the full tax deduction. ReNews pays Community Ventures a fee of 4% to cover administrative costs.
By donating in this way you will be supporting two valuable social impact ventures!
Why Support ReNews Context Services?
In an era when publisher consolidation, misinformation, polarization, and privacy violation have redefined the flow of information that we receive as “news,” Citizens need the data and tools to more completely understand how the news impacts them today and into the future.
Your support of ReNews will help launch and sustain a transformative Citizen experience of American news journalism.
How Your Donation Will Create Impact
Your donation to ReNews will:
- Make quality news freely available to all Citizens regardless of wealth, income, education, geography or any other variable.
- Analyze news journalism across publishers, extract and identify patterns of influence, and present original journalism revealing the complexity of issues relevant to each Citizen-reader’s individual context.
- Curate, analyze, and widely distribute publicly available data defining every news topic, issue and policy’s relevance to each American Citizen.
- Build a community of engaged Citizen-readers, journalists and academics committed to restoring journalism’s role in shining transparency into the function of our democracy.
- Use content and data analytics to surface and report on societal inequities and commission independent journalism to investigate the human impacts those issues.
- Publish original data journalism covering the lifecycle of policy development to reveal sources of influence and inequity manipulating policies on the way to becoming legislation, executive, or judicial action which will impact a Citizen.
- Help build a sustainable business model reinforcing the role of news in American democracy.
Renews Context Services, Inc. is incorporated in California as a not-for-profit organization and is currently partnered with Community Ventures as our non-profit fiscal sponsor, to receive donations and pass the funds on to us until our application for 501c3 tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service is complete.

Our Donor Policy
ReNews is committed to providing everyone with access to high quality, deeply researched, data-based journalism regardless of their ability to pay. We do not accept advertisements, and we have no paywalls or subscription fees. We depend exclusively on the support of individuals, foundations and organizations who share our commitment to reporting on and confronting inequality.
We are committed to transparency in every aspect of funding our organization.
To maintain the integrity of our journalism, there is a strict firewall between funders and the newsroom. Our news judgments are made independently – not based on or influenced by donors or any revenue source. We do not give supporters the rights to assign, review or edit content. We do not take commissions or assignments from any funder. Accepting financial support does not mean we endorse donors or their products, services, or opinions.
We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals, organizations, and foundations to help with our general operations, coverage of specific topics and special projects. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that operates as a public trust, we will not pay certain taxes. We may receive funds from standard government programs offered to nonprofits or similar businesses.
As a news nonprofit, we avoid accepting charitable donations from anonymous sources, government entities, political parties, elected officials or candidates seeking public office. We will not accept donations from sources who, deemed by our board of directors, present a conflict of interest with our work or compromise our independence. We will make public all revenue sources and donors who give $5,000 or more per year, and we will list them on this page as well as in our 990s.
ReNews Context Services Donors
- Reconstitution, Inc. – $500
- Bennet Harvey – $75,452
- John Beahm – $50

- ReNews Context Service 501C3 will accept donations from high-income and high-wealth Citizen-members to subsidize equal access to news for all.
- As part of transparency requirements as a provisional member of the Institute for Non-Profit News, ReNews Context Services will publish the identity of any donor of individual or collective donations over $5,000 in a calendar year.